I switched from RH5.2 to Debian 2.1 the other night and I did a Kernel
upgradge (2.2.10) and I noticed my sound wasn't working.  I looked in
/var/log/messages and found that the problem wasn't the kernel or modules.
After LILO boots up, i saw an error message "unable to load map file"  And
it was still looking for the old modules with the older kernel...  and it
wasn't finding the map file w/ the older kernel, but it was loading the
modules.  At first I thought it was my setup (I have 2 h/d's... one w/
Windows (master) and Debian (slave) ) but then i remembered it did the same
thing on my other computer.  It was an older machine... 800MB h/d and it
couldn't find the map file with the kernel, so i tried upgrading to 2.2.6
and it still did it.  It was installed off the same Debian multi cd set.. (i
downloaded the isos from a mirrored site).  Any suggestions?  Everyone I ask
has never heard of this...

And Yes... the map file exists as /boot/map and in /etc/lilo.conf i have
map=/boot/map as the 3rd line.

Thanks in advance,

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