On Sat, 31 Jul 1999, Daniel Barclay wrote:

> > From: Brad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ..
> > That's the choice Debian offers: a rock-solid system with _slightly_
> > out-of-date software (although you're free to upgrade it), or a
> > state-of-the-art system with all the bugs inherent in the bleeding edge.
> But why not build the latest-and-greatest version of add-on packages
> against BOTH the stable and the latest-and-greatest unstable
> distribution?
> Then later versions of software (even if they're not long-tested
> and stable) could be run on the stable distribution.

Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of a stable distribution? If you want the
latest, go with unstable, that's what it's there for (and don't forget to
submit any bugs you find! That's also what it's there for). Or if you want
to mix and match, feel free to grab the debian sources and build the
packages yourself. If you don't know how, check the archives; instructions
have been posted many times before.

> Note that that's what various other sites (Gnome, someone's KDE site,
> etc.) provide--recent individual software that doesn't require 
> the more recent, unstable distribution.

That's their perrogative.

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