On Mon, Aug 02, 1999 at 09:47:12PM -0400, Steve Stancliff wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have been running Debian slink for about 4 months now.
> Tonight I decided
> it was time to take some more disk space away from Windows
> and give it to
> Linux, so I tarred (-cvvzf) my Linux partitions,
> repartitioned the drive, and
> untarred (-xvvzf) Linux.
> I had previously done this same operation in cloning my
> Linux to another
> computer, and had no problems.
> Tonight, after untarring, I have some problems:
> 1) the permissions for the devices in /dev apparently
> weren't restored
> correctly - I couldn't run wterm until I changed some of
> them.
I've attached 'ls -l' from my /dev directory. Use diff to 
compare it to yours and see if there are any differences
(other than fd0, dsp, and mixer, which I've changed myself)

> 2) My keyboard isn't working right in X. I have the
> backspace-as-del problem, and
> also it doesn't recognize the "windows" keys at all.
> I realize that there are some standard fixes for the
> backspace problem, but I think
> my situation is a little different.  My guess is that there
> is a file somewhere which the
> permissions are screwed up on, which is causing the keyboard
> problems.  Hopefully
> someone out there can suggest where to look.
xterms communicate using /dev/ttyp?, perhaps you should
check those permissions.

> Finally, should I have done something different with tar in
> order to make it properly
> restore permissions?  Seems strange, since as I said I have
> done essentially the same
> thing before with no problems .
Taking a cursory glance over the tar man and info pages,
'-p' causes tar to preserve permissions. Also, there
are options to preserve the owner of the file. IMHO,
you got lucky the first time.

Stephen Pitts
webmaster - http://www.mschess.org

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