On Wed, Aug 04, 1999 at 01:22:17AM -0600, Nate Duehr wrote:

> I have a file named :
> ?????[4~?[4~?[4~?[4~?[4~?[4~?[4~?[4~?[4~?[4~
> ... in my home directory. 
> I am wondering how to escape this properly for rm to work on it in
> bash.

Most people told you to rm ./file or rm 'file' but that won't work of
course since you can't input the filename from the keyboard at
all. (The name as you typed it looks like it consists of escape
sequences, not something you can easily type on the keyboard.) So it's
a better idea to use the shell's wildcard expansion to do the work for
you. You can type rm -i * and then answer n for every file except for
this one.

Alex Shnitman                            | http://www.debian.org
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/real/ kernel hackers
    dd if=/dev/urandom of=/vmlinuz
and influence the Universal Randomosity Field.
        -- Gaal Yahas

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