On Wed, 4 Aug 1999, Dave Swegen wrote:

> One cause of confusion is that the manual doesn't actually say what the 25
> pin port on the scanner is for, it only shows the cable being plugged into
> the 50 pin port. Is it safe to assume that the 25 pin port is also for
> Would it be enough to buy a 50-pin centronics -> 25-pin d-plug adapter? Or
> would I have to buy a 50 pin -> 50 pin cable?

Was this scanner originally intended to be used with a Mac by any chance?
Although I've never seen a SCSI device with different types of SCSI ports,
it would make sense as the Mac had a 25-pin D-port for their SCSI (as to
Zip 100 SCSI drives). I'd buy an adapter were I you. Presumably you've got
a 50 or 68-pin high-density D connector for the SCSI out of your machine?
If so, then buy the appropriate connected cable and a 50-to-25 pin
converter. You could also get a 25-to-50 pin cable and put it in the
"logical other way". This is how I've got my Zip connected to my machine
at work. Then, put the terminator on the 50-pin Centronics.

> Also, the the scanner came with a 50 pin terminator. Does this go into
> whatever device is at the end of the chain? Can I also attach internal
> devices at the same time?
> I'd be grateful if some kind soul could take pity on this SCSI-clueless
> user...

See the quote at the bottom of my sig for some SCSI advice. :)

> Cheers
>     Dave
> -- 
>          Dave Swegen           | Debian 2.1 on Linux i386 2.2.3
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | PGP key available on request
>       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         | Linux: The Choice of a GNU Generation
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> -- 
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Jason D. Michaelson         | Debian GNU/      o http://www.debian.org
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~mich0101                   |   ...because lockups are for convicts...

Getting a SCSI chain working is perfectly simple if you remember that
there must be exactly three terminations: one on one end of the cable, one
on the other end, and the goat, terminated over the SCSI chain with
a silver-handled knife whilst burning *black* candles. --- Anthony

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