On Wed, Aug 04, 1999 at 07:38:12PM -0500, Brian Servis wrote:
> *- On  4 Aug, wonko wrote about "no bash commands work"
> > i use xdm to logon in x and everything works in x, but when i switch to
> > a different terminal for any command it says bash command not found, and
> > i can't restart without going into xdm since i can't run the command...
> Is it 'bash: command not found' or 'bash command not found', notice
> the lack of the colon in the second.  If it is the first, bash is
> saying that it can not find whatever command you just tried to run. It
> sounds like a your path is not defined.  What does 'echo $PATH' show
> in your X terminals compared to your console terminals? Can you run
> commands using explicit paths, like /bin/ls? 

> I am not sure why your
> terminal windows in X are working and your console terminals are not.
> Maybe you have a conditional statement somewhere that sets up differnet
> environments for X and console. 

It could be a properly set up .xsession, but no .bash_profile Seems
unlikely (since I think they system wide profile should set up some
kind of minimal path.  Then again, in my early days, I tried to add
$HOME/bin to my path (via .bash_login) and accidentally emptied it.

My point: make sure that the path statements in .bash_profile,
.profile, and .bash_login regarding PATH are the same as in .xsession


  Michael Stenner                       Office Phone: 919-660-2513
  Duke University, Dept. of Physics       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Box 90305, Durham N.C. 27708-0305

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