On Fri, Aug 13, 1999 at 10:31:53AM -0300, Guilherme Soares Zahn wrote:
> Hi there,
>     I was wondering if there's a way to kill all of a user's processes
> at once... This would be VERY useful in cases like today, when I made a
> little mistake in my crontab and a process that should be started at
> 6h00 am was started once for each minute between 6h00 and 7h00... OK, it
> was VERY stupid to put * 6 on the crontab instead of 00 6, but then the
> only solution I found to stop all those 60 processes that were running
> when I got here, at 9h00, was to reboot the machine...
> []'s
> Guilherme Zahn

Install the following package.

ii  slay            1.2-5          kills all of the user's processes

And then type "slay <username>" and it kills of all of a users processes.

Handy stuff.


Dan Everton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | "Have you tried thinking like a shower?"
www.psynet.net/fada                  | KBHR's Chris in the Morning

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