Brian Servis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> This is a know bug with xemacs20-nomule and gpm.  The solutions are to
> either recompile xemacs without gpm support, or stop gpm before
> starting xemacs on the console.  See
> for the several
> VERY OLD bugs on this subject.  I think someone had submitted a patch
> but for some reason it has never been fixed.

It _has_ been fixed in recent version of libgpm. This is not an XEmacs 
bug at all. XEmacs just happens to be one of few programs that uses

It isn't even a _real_ libgpm bug. It is actually a libc5 vs glibc 2.x 
issue. Glibc has changed the semantics of signal handlers (I think
from BSD to sysv). Its subtle problems like these that cause real

The libgpm code now uses a more portable method (although it still
runs only on linux).


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