I just got a new HD and tried to format it using my Debian 1.0
Installation Boot
& Emergency disk set.  I made the disk primary and unplugged my current
drive and booted the first disk and partitioned using the second
I made a 100Mb swap and the rest, ~3Gb, Linux bootable, then made the
swap area 
with no problems.  But when I tried to format the Linux partition it
failed with
256/373mkfs.ext2: can'r resolve symbol 'llseek'.  I then made the drive
and re-plugged my 2Gb 2.2 primary drive and rebooted, hoping to format
from my
regular system.  I tried mke2fs /dev/hdd, but it says, no such device. 
I did
an apropos format | more, but didn't spot a disk formatter in the
output.  Can anyone spare a clue for a veteran?  TIA

Ralph Winslow                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The IQ of the group is that of the member
whose IQ is lowest  divided by the number
of members.  (Present company excepted of

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