On Fri, Aug 20, 1999 at 10:19:13AM -0700, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> *DANGER* 2.2.11 has memory leak issues and other fun nits.  Make sure to
> upgrade any and all boxen running it to the next release as soon as it comes
> out.

Oh, wonderful! I upgraded to 2.2.10 and it killed all my filesystems
around mid-June. forcing a reinstall. Now I'm running a ticking time bomb 
called 2.2.11! Should stable be redefined to a.b.c, where b is even and c >= 30?
What were the > 100 beta releases in 2.1 for?

I had a wonderfully stable system for > 6 months until I got the 2.2.x 
series to fix some DHCP problems and because of IPChains support...
now I've got this to worry about!

I built 2.2.11 with the NFS patches that come with the knfs package and
installed new versions on the client and the server. Server is now
running kernel-space daemon instead of user-space daemon. I
no longer get any boot-up errors, and lockd seems to be running OK. However,
kexpress/gdbm still can't generate locks. Wordperfect works OK, though.

Whatever..I'll go back to symlinking ~/.kde/share/apps/kexpress to
/usr/local/smpitts-kexpress and move on!
Stephen Pitts
webmaster - http://www.mschess.org

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