On Fri, Aug 20, 1999 at 09:57:06AM -0600, Julian  Taylor wrote:
> Debian, admittedly, is one of the most primitive Linux
> installations I've ever used. Among the problems are
> the fact that no matter what you tell it during
> installation about your intended configuration, it
> sets everything up not to work. You'll find the same
> problem with ppp which is most likely set up to deny
> all access and printing which is most likely not set
> up at all.

I've had a completely opposite experience. A newbie friend wanted to
install Linux, and he ordered a RedHat 5.2 CD from Cheapbytes, much to
my chagrin. I tried to help him install it, but after 4 hours of trying
to configure ppp, (me with 3+ years of experience with all sorts of
distributions), we gave up. Two weeks later, I got him to try Debian and
all it took was one run of 'pppconfig' and 'pon' and we were up and
running. Doesn't get any easier than that!

As far as your printer problems are concerned, have you tried the magic
filter package in combination with lprng? The Printing-HOWTO suggests
that, and it works like a charm. Even in my odd situation (printing to
an HP Laserjet III attatched to a Windows machine), I got it to work
without much trouble following instructions in the Samba and Magicfilter
Stephen Pitts
webmaster - http://www.mschess.org

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