  slink running kernel 2.2.6.
  2 NICS: eth0 is a 3c509, eth1 is a DLink DE220]

Hi people.

I want to configure my Linux box to use as a proxy/firewall/ipmasq server for
a 3-PC LAN, but ran into trouble trying to get it to connect to my ADSL
(Sympatico). It uses a DHCP system, but I'm unable to get an address from its

Here's what I did:

1) in the /etc/init.d/network file, I added the line:
      modprobe ne
   at the top. Without this, I couldn't get the system to recognize my
   second network card.

2) Running ifconfig eth1 outputs what I expect (including the fact that
   no address is assigned to the card), IRQ and base address are correct.
   Strangely, though, running ifconfig without parameters only shows lo and
   eth0. Is this part of the problem?

3) Changed /etc/dhcpc/config to read:

      # List here the interface that the dhcpcd daemon should use.
      # The default is to assign an IP address to eth0.
      # If you want to disable the daemon, enter "none" here.

Rebooting the system does not fetch an IP address (ifconfig eth1 still
shows no address). Running dhcpcd blows up my LAN, and checking ifconfig
eth0 from the console shows eth0 has no IP address anymore. Running dhcpcd
eth1 doesn't seem to do anything.

Am I missing something obvious? Or something not so obvious?

Thanks for any help,
                This is what we do. This is who we are.
            Hail Eris! -><- Kallisti -><- All Hail Discordia!

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