Scott McMillan wrote:

> I have been running a Slackware distribution for over 3 years, and
> recently (with the purchase of a Sony laptop) decided to give Debian
> a try.  I ordered the Debian 2.1 2 CD set from Linux Mall and
> received them today.
> I got through all the initial installation stuff with no problem,
> and then it came time to "Select and Install Profiles"....
> I chose to create a custom profile by selecting a number of the
> tasks...X, graphics, C devel, etc.
> Then it dumped me into dselect and I went through the Access, Update
> and Install.  Note I was never successful at specifying a multiple
> CD set (for Access).  It would keep giving me the following error:
> /var/lib/dpkg/methods/multicd/available: file or directory not found.

I'm not sure about the Linux Mall CD set, but if it's the same as the 
Cheapbytes set
you should change to the binary 2 disk prior to Access. Then, assuming the disk 
is in
fact good, it should prompt you when to change disks. If that doesn't work, 
Linux Mall is different or you may have a bad disk.

> Then I backed up and used the single CD option (twice! - I did not
> know which CD to start with).  Each time during the Install step
> it would say 'Skipping deselected package: *' hundreds of times and
> nothing seemed to get installed.  It was as if the whole Profile step
> was totally ignored.
> I have the following questions:
>  - Has anyone been successful with the LinuxMall CD's?  If so, how
>    did you get it to work.
>  - Has anyone ever been able to get back to the Menu that asks you
>    about an initial profile without having to restart the entire
>    installation process over?

I haven't, but it sounds like you may just as well start over. That or just run
dselect and pick what you want.


> Thanks in advance,
> scott


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