On Mon, 23 Aug 1999, Patrick Ouellette wrote:

> You shouldn't need to do anything special to enable this, but if
> you switch virtual consoles the buffer that Shift-PGUP/PGDN
> scrolls through is reset. 


Don't switch consoles. That does indeed reset the scrollback buffer. 

Wait until the login message. Then scroll back with shift-PgUp
back to the start of boot.

This loses the beginnning of the boot messages if there is more to
display than the scroll back (ring?) buffer can handle. In that
event, stop the scrolling with Control-S in the middle and use
shift-PgUp/PgDn to look at the boot messages. 

After boot, dmesg will give a good bit of the boot messages, but
sometimes it fails to give parts of the boot message that I want :(

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