"E.L. Meijer (Eric)" wrote:

> Hi all,
> I use fvwm2 as a window manager in slink.  In
> /etc/X11/fvwm2/system.fvwm2rc, the FvwmPager module is started with one
> desk, after .fvwm2/post.hook is read.  I like to start FvwmPager with
> three desks, and do that in my post.hook file.  As a result there are
> always two FvwmPagers running, on top of each other.  Luckily the one I
> added is on top most of the time, but sometimes it isn't.  Is there a
> way to make fvwm2 stop processing the configuration files in
> .fvwm2/post.hook?

Probably the simplest way would be to copy the "system.fvwm2rc" into your home
directory as ".fvwm2rc" and then edit it so that it puts up exactly the 
setup you want. You then wouldn't need to put it into the "post.hook". That or
comment out the items in ".fvwm2rc" and leave your "post.hook" as is.


> I tried to play around with the KillModule command,
> but that seemed to have no effect.
> Eric
> --
>  E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>  Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
>  Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (SKA)
> --
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