>Probably should be www.one-click.com
>Look in /etc/lynx.cfg for a line that begins
>and I think that will be the line you want to change.

That was it! I couldn't figure out why apache would run without errors but
lynx gave me errors everytime I tried starting it without a servername or
hostname on the command line.

Now I can just type "lynx" on the command and lynx starts up without any
errors whatsoever.  What really threw me is that I didn't configure the
lynx conf file and didn't even know it existed until you posted.  Seems
lynx must have tried to make sense out of my mixed up configuration and
came up with the www/one-click error all on its own.

Now that I've edited that conf file lynx is good to go.

Thank you very very much Patrick. I was about to give up on this and maybe
try another less secure distribution of linux because I spent so many hours
and didn't get anywhere with it (I figured I really must have screwed this
distribution up royally). 

Now that apache is running and lynx is running ...That headache is over!
Now to get Samba up and running correctly too and connect my two pc's and
start testing scripts and browsers between theme. YEAH!!! :)


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