Thanks for the other info on RAM, it will be very useful.

> Add a second hard drive on the second ide channel(hdc) It is good to
> have a swap partition on a different controller channel with each
> partition having equal priority. The kernel will use the partition
> which will provide the best performance.

I don't know much when it comes to drives in Debian, so I have a few

1.  hdc has been a CD-ROM since the second I booted the Debian install CD. 
Will anything bad happen if hdc is suddenly a hard disk and hdd is now the
CD-ROM?  I haven't actually used the CD-ROM since I finished installing,
so the only possible trouble spot might be booting. 

2.  Is there a a how-to or some doc's for this?  I made a swap partition
with cfdisk in the beginning and let the (excellent) install program
figure out the rest.  Thus, I never learned much about swap.

3.  Since any drive I add will be old and slow (<200MB), is it worth it?

That is interesting that when both are given equal priority, the kernel
figures out which one is best.  I didn't know about that feature. 

Thank you,
Patrick Olson

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