On Sun, Aug 29, 1999 at 07:28:19PM -0600, Alexis Maldonado wrote:
> Hello!
> On Sun, Aug 29, 1999 at 05:54:04PM -0700, Eric G . Miller wrote:
> > On Sun, Aug 29, 1999 at 08:02:16PM -0400, B. Szyszka wrote:
> > | >  G200 8MB AGP, works great. I show XFree86 version having
> > | >  support for G400 16MB video. I'd guess it also works well.
> > | Does the amount of MB part make a difference? I was thinking about
> > | a G400 32MB.
> > 
> >   It wasn't listed in version, but perhaps it'll be in one of
> > the newer versions.  You might check http://www.xfree.org. A quick look
> > indicates the G400 isn't fully supported yet in 3.3.4 which was just
> > released. There's no mention of the MBs of the card. I'd hazard that you
> > might want to hold off a little while, or get the 16MB card. However,
> > Matrox apparently is very supportive of X so it's sure to be supported
> > in the not too distant future.
> If you are interested in the Matrox G400, maybe you'll like one of the
> boards with the TNT2 chipset from Nvidia. One friend of mine just got a
> Diamond Viper V770 Ultra (It costs the same as the Matrox G400), and It runs
> fine in X using the Xserver downloaded from the Nvidia site. Nvidia gave the
> drivers to the XFree team, and it will work fine with future XFree releases.
> He even plays Quake II and Quake III-test using the glx (open-gl) acceleration
> that the card provides.
> Just my $0.02,

Guess I'll throw mine in.  If you have a large monitor (>= 20in) capable
of high resolutions (e.g. 1600x1200) at a high refresh rate (>80Hz),
stick with the Matrox cards.  They perform wonderfully with the more
capable monitors out now.  You won't be happy with anything else
(specifically the TNT2's max refresh at 1600x1200 is 75Hz).  I'm getting
the G400 Max as soon as I know it's supported.

Jonathan H. Wheaton   |   Insert some cool saying here.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     |   If you'd like, continue on this line.

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