On Tue, Aug 31, 1999 at 01:21:22PM +0100,
John Gay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> now I can open xmms on my daughter's display, but when I start to play an MP3,
> the sound plays from the speakers on the PII! I am hoping when I get nas 
> running
> properly, I'll be able to play the sound from the speakers on the PC I'm 
> sitting
> at rather than only the PII. I believe xmms is based on a MP3 player that is 
> nas
> compatible, so I should only need to get nas working properly and the rest

Can't help you with nas, but I can help with your xmms problem. It uses
esd (package esound), not nas. All you have to do make sure the environment
variable ESPEAKER is set to HOSTNAME:5001, where HOSTNAME is her hostname.

For example, my .xsession contains the following line:

export ESPEAKER=dethstar:5001

All sounds from esd are played on my system rather than the remote one.
Just make sure xmms is set up to use the esd plugin.

Eric Gillespie, Jr. <*> [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Man is a rope, tied between beast and overman--a rope over an abyss.
 A dangerous across, a dangerous on-the-way, a dangerous looking-back,
 a dangerous shuddering and stopping."
 --Friedrich Nietzsche

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