Neil Booth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> c) Setting up Japanese input is quite tricky.  I use canna, with
> standard slink emacs20.  The various packages for this come with
> Debian-jp.

Thing's are quite a bit simpler if you just use emacs-20's built-in
input methods -- they basically just work out of the box (as long as
your emacs was compiled with the leim support enabled).  Just do:

  (set-language-environment "Japanese")

Then type C-\ (toggle-input-method) and begin typing!

Newer versions of (stable-release) gnus actually are harder to make work
correctly than older versions, but I have a small set of hacks that I
put in my .gnus file, which make everything work pretty flawlessly.

Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra.  Suddenly it flips over,
pinning you underneath.  At night the ice weasels come.  --Nietzsche

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