thanks to all responders. xlsfonts shows that freefonts are installed. i didn't have to use 'type1inst' which is not currently on my machine but, i'm guessing, debian package added
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/freefont/"
to my /etc/X11/XF86Config.

it appears, i must find a windoz box to copy the fonts from. i've seen some around ;-)


On Wed, 1 Sep 1999, Aaron M. Stromas wrote:

> hi,
> i've got tired of the tiny fonts in netscape and installed the xfstt and
> the freefont package. when i ran the 'xfstt --sync' it complained about
> not finding any *.ttf files. i looked at what is in the freefont package
> and discovered that the fonts are  in .pbf format.

I'm not completly sure, but pbf aren't ttf fonts. I think they are Type 1
fonts. Instead of xfstt use xfs and type1inst. Of course you can have both
installed at a time.

> so,  xfstt is not meant to use freefont?
> according to freefont's documentation all that's needed is to restart
> the x server but that does not solve the netscape problem. i've searched
> for the basic .ttf fonts without success, although i've seen some
> suggestions to use fonts off the m$ site. after a while i tried it but
> all i see are .exe files.  can somebody explain the business with
> freefont and also point me to the source of .ttf? please, cc me  as i'm
> temporary unsubscribed. tia,
> -a
> --
> Aaron Stromas    | "Tick-tick-tick!!!... ja, Pantani is weg..."
> Oracle Corp      |                             BRTN commentator
> +1 703.708.68.21 |                              L'Alpe d'Huez
>                                             1995 Tour de France

Juli-Manel Merino Vidal
        >>> Running Debian/GNU Linux 2.1

Aaron Stromas    | "Tick-tick-tick!!!... ja, Pantani is weg..."
Oracle Corp      |                             BRTN commentator
+1 703.708.68.21 |                              L'Alpe d'Huez
                                            1995 Tour de France

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