On 04-Sep-99 shaul wrote:
> I am getting a very narrow, practically none, right margin for the ps
> files of 
>  ftp://athos.rutgers.edu/runet/tcp-ip-intro.ps and 
>  ftp://athos.rutgers.edu/runet/tcp-ip-admin.ps. (those files are
> recommended by  the NET3-HOWTO as an introductory text.)
> The very narrow margin are created both by gv and when printing the
> files.
> Can it be that this is due to a letter vs a4 paper size ?
> Can I change the postscript files (and not the source file) so that it
> will have a reasonable setting on a a4 paper ?

The short answer is No -- unless you have an advanced knowledge of the
technicalities of PostScript.

I have had a look at the first file, and it seems to have been formatted
with a 1-inch left margin, and ragged-right lines up to 7 inches long,
so you can get a line going to 8 inches across the page. Hence your

However, with luck you can use the program 'psresize' to do the job,
since it was written with knowledge of the technicalities. You may have to
try various options until you find a combination that does what you want.

I have it from a SuSE Linux installation; I believe it is part of
the 'pstools' or 'psutils' package, but I'm not sure where these can
be found. Try searching a Linux ftp site, if you haven't already got it.

Best of luck,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 04-Sep-99                                       Time: 21:00:28
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