I need some advice on how to upgrade the XFree86 files that came with Slink. My 
problem is that I have a card (STB nVIDIA TNT, 16 Mb of RAM) not listed in the 
stable version, but listed in the unstable version of X. Newer versions of X 
that came with Mandrake (in rpm format) work fine; but the older X files that 
came with Slink don't.

I need to use the svga server. Currently, if I use the svga server I get 
terrible resolution, around 320 X something, but if I use the vga server I can 
at least get vga resolution. So, I need to upgrade X.

But that's where I'm confused. Which files must I upgrade? The Debian 
FAQ-O-MATIC says to upgrade: xbase, xlib6, xfntbase and the xservers that I'll 
use. However, these files each have different dependencies that make me wonder 
whether the above is a complete list. Is it best to download all the X packages 
at http://www.debian.org/~branden/ and then run dselect?

Thanks for any help. I'm almost there with a fully functional Debian.


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