I tried to update X on my Slink, but am not sure if I did everything correctly.

Because I don't have an internet connection available at my Linux box, I 
downloaded most of the files from http://www.debian.org/~branden/ at another 
machine and used dpkg to upgrade everything I could, such as the vga and svga 
servers, xfree86setup, and some other things. Some packages, like xbase, 
couldn't be installed because I did not download lib6gdev. (I didn't think I 
needed it when I downloaded all the files at the Web site, just the basic ones 
to get some decent resolutions.)

The long and short of my question: My X server works wonderfully now, I'm no 
longer stuck in vga mode, but I'm wondering if I need to update those other 
packages that couldn't be updated due to dependency problems. Should I just 
quit now, and not worry about the other stuff? Is it possible that an X upgrade 
doesn't entail upgrading all the X packages at the Branden Web site?


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