I'm attempting to build the UCD snmp lib for slink since I'm reluctant
to upgrade our prodution servers to potato (and libc 2.1).  In the
potato pkg list libucdsnmp3.6 depends on libc6 >=2.1; am I screwed?  (I
admit to not investigating fully whether libucdsnmp3.6 needs libc 2.1

When I attempt to build the package, I get the following:

[ make output snipped; it appears to build cleanly ]
# Fix the libraries.
rm debian/tmp/usr/lib/libucdsnmp.so.3.6
mv debian/tmp/usr/lib/libsnmp.so debian/tmp/usr/lib/libucdsnmp.so.3.6
ln -sf libucdsnmp.so.3.6 debian/tmp/usr/lib/libsnmp.so
cp snmplib/libsnmp.a debian/tmp/usr/lib
# Copy the .conf files.
mkdir -p debian/tmp/etc/snmp
cp etc/* debian/tmp/etc/snmp
cp debian/snmpd.conf debian/tmp/etc/snmp
cp debian/snmptrapd.conf debian/tmp/etc/snmp
# Remove execute bit from MIBS.
chmod -x debian/tmp/usr/share/snmp/mibs/*
dh_movefiles: I was asked to move files from debian/tmp to debian/tmp.
make: *** [install-stamp] Error 1

I'm not a maintainer and admittedly pretty stupid about how to build
debian packages "correctly" - I used "fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -B -uc"

Any ideas?  I guess dh_movefiles is part of debhelper?

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]           http://www.midco.net
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