Hello Neil:

via the card configuration tool from the manufacturer,
you should be able to change the IRQ and I/O mapping
for the card(s) in question.


Neil Booth wrote:

> I have 2 PCI Planex ethernet cards in my machine, the first uses
> "tulip.c" as its driver, and the second uses "de4x5.c".
> When I inserted the second card today and rebuilt my kernel (no
> modules), during boot-time initialization the tulip driver initializes
> successfully as eth0, but the second driver fails with:-
> eth1: region already allocated at 0xe400
> because that I/O port was grabbed by the tulip driver.
> Is there a way around this, or can I not use these two cards in
> the same machine?  I can't see any jumpers or switches that might
> change either I/O port on the cards.
> Cheers,
> Neil.
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