On Sun, 12 Sep 1999, Justin Settle wrote:

> I can't seem to print anything out with lpd + magicfilter.  I can cat
> file out to the printer and I believe that magic filter is setup
> correctly.  The problem is that if I do a lpc status it says "no daemon
> present".  I do a lpc up all and it says daemon started but if a lpc
> status is done again it reply's no daemon is present.  lpr <filename>
> does nothing - the printer doesn't move and the file never appears in
> lpq.

Is the daemon running?  Try "ps ax" to see.

If not, try running the daemon directly from a command line and use
the options to place in the foreground and debugging on.  See the
lpd manpage for details.

   $ /usr/sbin/lpd -L /var/log/lpr.log -F -D debug=5

Jean Pierre

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