
Why is that when I build a new kernel via make-kpkg, it doesn't make a
new kernel rev.

        Previously, I built a new kernel using:
        make-kpkg --rev Custom.1.0 kernel_image
        This command built my kernel and put an file in my /usr/src
directory called. kernel-image-2.0.36_1.00_i386.deb.

        Then I built a newer kernel using:
        make-kpkg --rev Custom.2.0 kernel_image
        This command did change the date on the existing kernel package
        but did not call it kernel-image-2.0.36_2.00_i386.deb nor did it
        put the word custom in file name either.  

Is this the way this thing is supposed to work?

Other simple questions:
1.  When I used to do regular kernel builds, I used to do a
        make dep; make clean; make zImage, make modules; make
   If I build kernels the debian way (aka make-kpkg), do I still need to
do this?  How about cleaning or rebuilding the dependicy list?  ie. do I
need to a make clean; make dep before I do the make-kpkg?

2.  Does apt-get dist-upgrade get new kernel patches?  Is there a way to
get new kernel patches?


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