On Mon, 13 Sep 1999, David Kanter wrote:

> I use POP3 with my dial up connection, and wonder what people
> generally use as a mail client for this situation. Do people just
> default to Netscape? I was looking at Mutt, which looks a little
> confusing, but seems to be somewhat popular.
Netscape is a popular POP3 client - it's a bit on the heavy side for an
email program, though :)

I like to use pine for email - however, it has crappy POP3 support.  What
I've done is to put calls to fetchmail (available as a .deb) in cron to
automagically download my email.  Fetchmail is a program that will pull
email off a POP3/IMAP/CompuServe (remember them?)/What have you account,
and put it in your local mail spool.

Some other POP3 clients are XCmail, XFMail, TkRat, TkMail, Postillion, and
several more I can't name right off the top of my head.  All of those
(except XCmail) are available as part of Debian.

Phil Brutsche                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstien

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