On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 09:42:01AM -0500, David Kanter wrote:

> I compiled a new kernel last night with APM support. When I boot up, I get 
> the message about APM BIOS. However, it doesn't work all that well.
> I run Window Maker, and after the selected dead time (as set in my BIOS), the 
> CPU and monitor go to sleep (before going to sleep, the box has been running 
> xscreensaver for about 25 minutes). But a few minutes after going to sleep, 
> it spontaneously wakes up and starts xscreensaver.
> My .xsessions is:
> xscreesaver &

Try the following line:
xset +dpms
here, after running wmaker.

> exec wmaker
> Why does the CPU wake up by itself, or so it seems? Could something be going 
> on in the background that wakes it up?
> Thanks,
> Dave
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