On Mon, 1999-09-13 18:03:35 +0100, Martin Oldfield wrote:
> I thought I'd give glimpse a whirl to index a bunch of email archives, 
> but I get a segmentation fault:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> % glimpseindex -o -B archive
> This is glimpseindex version 4.1, 1997.
> Indexing "/home/mjo/adamsarch/archive" ...
> Size of files being indexed = 172104723 B, Total #of files = 26801
> Segmentation fault
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The BTS seems to have similar problems already e.g. bug 20037 but no
> obvious solution. I'm running version 4.1-2 which seems to be the most 
> recent.
> Has anyone else been down this path before, and did they find a
> solution ?
> Cheers,
> -- 
> Martin Oldfield,

I had success with just `glimpseindex -o'.
1) The working directory was ~/Mail.
2) Under that, there were a large number (~30) of subdirectories,
   each in maildir format (i.e., each had a new, cur and tmp directory,
   with the email being held one message to a file under cur).
3) The result was to place eight .glimpse... files in ~,
   but then glimpse worked just as documented to search them.
4) Also running version 4.1-2 on a slink system (but with linux 2.2.12).

Good luck,

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