Craig B wrote:
> I type this message, and other times they look really crappy.  The
> biggest problem I have is with Netscape Navigator.  Sometimes the fonts
> are too small and sometimes they are just distorted.  I have tried all

I believe the problem arises due to the good old HTML H tags, and FONT
SIZE tag - these tell the browser to scale the font up/down by a certain
amount. The problem is these scalings often end up scaling a bitmap X
font - leaving you with a poor result.

A simple workaround, other than running a true-type font server as
suggested by others, is to tell Netscape not to scale the fonts so much.
Put this in your .Xdefaults/.Xresources:

Netscape*documentFonts.sizeIncrement:   5

The value '5' may need to be toyed with for best results.


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