Mark Brown wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 09:56:24AM -0700, Ian Zimmerman wrote:
> > Info keybindings are virtually identical to Emacs, and thus don't feel
> > at all stupid to this Emacs user.  In fact, I would be VERY annoyed if
> But consider what it used to be like - the curses info browser was very
> confusing because the motion keys weren't bound quite in the same way as
> those in Emacs (or anything else for that matter).

On the other hand, I wouldn't be too tough to make the key bindings
depend on the EDITOR environment setting (I always wondered why I found
the dselect keys so difficult ;-)  THAT would be the right way to do it
INNVHO, but I'm not going to volunteer because it works great whatever
the keybindings are, and it's just not that hard to deal with, anyway.
> > the info maintainers heeded Havoc's advice and redid the keybindings
> > in the image of, say, vi.
> I'd be surprised if any effort to improve ease of use chose to
> standardise on vi (unless nethack has a sudden burst of popularity,
> anyway).
> > Keith> Dselect?  Nice in many ways; yes, it's the non-standard
> > Keith> keystrokes and lack of visual feedback ("has my search finished
> > Keith> yet?") that are probably the worst things.  Other than that *I*
> > Keith> can't think of a much nicer way to address package installation
> > Keith> in ncurses.
> > That's right.  And I have to disagree that the general flow of control
> > in dselect "doesn't make sense" and "this has _zero_ to do with the
> > power of the tools".  Change the flow of control and I bet you'll lose
> > some flexibility somewhere.
> Better prompting and visual feedback would probably go a long way to
> making the flow of control seem better - one common source of problem
> is your idea of what's going on diverging from that of dselect.  It
> would also be nice to be able to defer conflict resolution sometimes,
> not to mention the *!?# recommends handling and the forced display of
> the help screen.
> --
> Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)
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Ralph Winslow                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The IQ of the group is that of the member
whose IQ is lowest  divided by the number
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