Ill second that, a copy of the partition table has saved me on a number of 
AS LONG as you have not formatted.

Particularly with certain predatory operating systems :)

"Richard E. Hawkins" wrote:

> noah noted,
> > As you can imagine, I quickly ran out of space on the Win98 partition, so,
> > using Linux's fdisk, I created a new FAT partition.  Then I booted to
> > Win98 and formatted this new partition.  Windows was fine with this.
> > However...
> > When I rebooted to Linux, all the logical partitions were gone, and the
> > extended partition had really screwed up attributes.  ARGH!  I was able to
> > use the gpart program to scan the disk for ext2 superblocks and rescue a
> > couple of the partitions, but not all of them.  So, it seems to me that
> > Win98 must have all its partitions in place and formatted before Linux is
> > installed...I think.  Maybe Win98 will always screw up extended
> > partitions, not just when it's used to format them.
> I'vehad a couple of catastrophesthat have hammered partition tables.
> I've found that if I create new partitions in the exact same places, I
> get my data back.  It's useful to have an fdisk printout of your
> configuration around.
> Also, if you partitioned with cfdisk during setup, you may need to
> use it to create those partitions--I've seen sligthly different
> behavior from them, and haven't been always been able to recreate cfdisk
> partitions with fdisk
> rick
> --
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