>On Mon, Sep 20, 1999 at 12:02:15PM -0400, Peter S Galbraith wrote:
>> I'm behind a firewall, and I'm trying the same thing and can't
>> get it to work:
>> However, I have an old sendmail.cf V8.7 file that works perfectly
>> with /etc/mail/users.db (it sent this email).
>> Any clues?
>Nope -- I actually tried that same solution about an hour after I
>posted that message and it didn't work (using 8.9.3, I think).  Are
>you just using the old config file with the new sendmail, or do you
>have the old sendmail installed (which is probably a bad security
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I can't believe what I got started here heh... I gave up on it. I have no idea
what this program, mxmail, will report me as and I don't care. <grin>


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