[I don't know if you received an answer to this question, so
here goes]

>>>>> "Jonas" == Jonas Steverud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Jonas> When I run some programs (ps, top, etc) I get Warning:
    Jonas> /boot/System.map-2.2.10 does not match kernel data.

    Jonas> Is there some way of fixing this/get rid of the message?

Yes there is. See below.

    Jonas> I've compiled the kernel myself and the messages started to
    Jonas> appear after (I think) and upgrade to PAM.

    Jonas> (I have a foggy idea what this message means but don't know how
    Jonas> to "repair" it.)

The System.map is generated when a kernel is compiled. It can be found
in the /usr/src/linux-x.y.z assuming that the kernel sources are in that
directory. This file contains debugging symbol information that can
be useful if and when the kernel crashes.

If you are compiling the kernel by hand, then you need to copy the
System.map from that directory into /boot right after the kernel has been
compiled. I am not sure but it might have to be named with the kernel
version ie /boot/System.map-2.2.12. Some of the make targets such as
bzlilo automatically do that and setup /etc/lilo.conf. Someone will
correct me if I am wrong here since I have been using the Debian's
excellent kernel-package tools to build kernels and haven't done
it the "old-fashioned way".

If you use the make-kpg script(s) to build the kernel in Debian,
all this is taken care for you by the script(s). For more info on this,
see : /usr/doc/kernel-package, and man make-kpkg.


Salman Ahmed
ssahmed AT interlog DOT com

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