>>>>> "Ben" == Ben Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
    Ben> Compilation was for i386 so it would run on more than just
    Ben> pentiums.

You mean for the initial install off of the CDs (or whatever) ?

But where is this env. var being set from ? Currently, it is not
valid for my system since I am running a Celeron. This is not
much of an issue for me but it can cause confusion say for
makefiles that are used to build targets for different platforms.

I would think that the make-kpkg scripts would update this
variable depending on how the kernel was configured. I mean the
scripts are intelligent enough!!

    Ben> unix:0.0 means it's using a Unix Domain Socket, IIRC. UDS is for
    Ben> local connections.

Does Debian set the DISPLAY variable differently for a networked
machine ? I mean in a networked env, to allow remote X clients
to display to the local X server, the DISPLAY var would have to be
set to sth like $HOSTNAME:0.0 or $HOSTNAME:0.

This isn't much of an issue for me since my Debian machine is
standalone anyways.

    Ben> /etc/environment is a good place.

If I wanted to set the DISPLAY var to allow remote X clients to
display locally, would I set the DISPLAY var in /etc/environment
or in the users startup files eg .cshrc/.tcshrc/ ?


Salman Ahmed
ssahmed AT interlog DOT com

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