we use our central linux server to mount sharings on several data
containing workstations, the problem is that it looses the mountings
after a undetermined timeperiod!
debian 2.1 kernel 2.2.12 samba 2.05
from syslog:
 smb_get_length: recv error = 5 
 smb_request: result -5, setting invalid 
 smb_retry: new pid=518, generation=2 
 smb_get_length: recv error = 5 
 smb_request: result -5, setting invalid 
 smb_retry: new pid=521, generation=2 

Graduate student,B.Sc. 
Rune Linding Raun
University of Copenhagen                cellphone:      +45 2625 6801
Institute of Molecular Biology          pager:          +45 5020 8680
Department of Biological Chemistry      phone(lab):     +45 3532 2024
Sølvgade 83H Copenhagen                 fax(lab):       +45 3532 2040
                                        email:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                        sms:            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    __ _   Debian/GNU 2.1
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