First off, I have read the README.Debian file in /usr/doc/slrnpull/, but I 
still cannot get slrnpull to accept my outgoing messages when running slrn in 
spool mode. (Incidentally, is there a way to run slrnpull as non-root?)

As suggested, I did: adduser david news, adding me to the news group. (I 
elected not to chmod 777 on the out.going directory since that seemed the more 
pernicious approach.) However, I still get messages that access is denied to 
the out.going group.

Is there something I'm missing here? Should I (david) be added to group news 
AND chmod 777 on the out.going directory? I've tried posting an article to 
comp.os.linux.setup about 5 times but the "access denied" message keeps getting 
in my way. And what security holes are there, if any, by adding david to group 



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