Unless you need to have color, I'd suggest getting a laser printer of some 
(I'm partial to HP printers in general).  If you need color, go with an HP 8**
printer.  I don't know what numbers they have now, but I have an 890C, and have 
very impressed.


Manuel Arenaz Silva wrote:

> Hello,
> I am interested in buying a printer, but I want to avoid as many
> installation problems as posible. For this reason I would appreciate if
> someone could advice me about a mark and a model.
> What do you prefer? An epson printer (highest resolution but expensive
> to mantain), a HP printer (very robust but lower resolution) or a
> Cannon/Oki/... printer (secondary marks that are cheaper to mantain).
> Take into account that:
> 1) Most of the time I am going to print postscript documents (with
> graphics included) generated by latex.
> 2) The printer will be installed in my home computer, so I will use it
> very few times each month.
> Any suggestion will be carefully considered.
> Thanks in advance,
>                   Manuel Arenaz
> --
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