"Stephen R. Gore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm trying to upgrade a fresh slink base-install to potato.  I've upgraded
> apt (0.3.7slink0), edited sources.list, did apt-get update, and apt-get
> dist-upgrade. (I've done all this from scratch 3 times - it's repeatable).
> I get the following error:
> E: Problem executing scripts DPkg::Pre-Invoke 'mount -o remount,rw /usr'

Just a guess: you have your /usr partition mounted read-only, and for
some reason Dpkg was unable to remount it read-write.  Try remounting it
yourself and ensure it's writable before running apt-get dist-upgrade, 
and see if it then works.  And, regardless, file a bug report containing 
the details.

> Also, if I try dpkg --configure -a:
> Setting up bsdutils (2.9w-3.1) ...
> dpkg (subprocess): unable to execute post-installation script: No such file
> or directory

Hmmm, that means there's no bsdutils.postinst in /var/log/dpkg/info, where
dpkg should have unpacked it.  Maybe fallout from the above error?

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