On Fri, Oct 08, 1999 at 09:35:47PM -0300, Tiago Alves Macambira wrote:
> Hi Folks!
>         Well, I just bought a Blaster 3D Banshee AGP and to my surprise
> - or not, since neither 3Dfx nor Creative Labs. are known as linux
> supporting companies - I discovered that it just can't get along with X
> -- at least not with the one shipping with Slink ( do I need to say that
> i use slink? :-)  and not with the last stable one listed in
> www.XFree86.org.
>         It seems that 3Dfx has a somewhat beta X server supporting
> Banshee and Voodoo3 chipsets but, from what I saw, they are distributing
> it only in RPM format. Ok, I know I can use Alien and convert it to .deb
> but I'm doubtful of how debian-compatible will this E.T. .deb be and how
> will it behave in my box ( redhat and debian environments are not equal
> and, the installation script, thinking it is in a RedHat box, may screw
> my Debian box... not a GoodThing (c)  ).
>         So, if anyone can solve my doubts and fears concerning the
> suggested approach of converting the package or has any other solution
> to this problem, PLEASE, e-mail me!
> []s
> MaCa
> PS. I hope all that is understandable.. if not... well, I tried! :)
> ---
> "I may be drunk, but in the morning I will be sober, while you will
> still be stupid and ugly." -Winston Churchill
>     --==( Tiago Alves MaCambira )==- -==(     UIN: 5340883      )==--
>     --==([EMAIL PROTECTED])==- -==(  [EMAIL PROTECTED] )==--
>           --==(  Computer Science Student  @ UFC, BRAZIL  )==--
> -- 
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There is support in 3.5 I think there is a slink version out there......
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- - - - - - O t a k  i n c . - - - - - 

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