On Fri, Oct 08, 1999 at 05:40:02PM -0400, B. Szyszka wrote:

> For some odd reason, mail I'm sending to this list is taking
> a long time to arrive back in my mailbox. One of the messages
> was sent at about 10pm last night and it arrived at 5pm today.
> That's a 21-hour time lag! I've heard of 3-5 hours, but not 21.

That's odd - murphy is generally very fast.  I would guess that it's a
problem with your system either not getting mail out or not taking it
back in quickly.  Take a look at the headers of the mail to see which
servers it is passing through and how long it spends on each.

For reference, I've sent this message both directly to you and via the
mailing list.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)
EUFS        http://www.eusa.ed.ac.uk/societies/filmsoc/

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