On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, Greg & Heather Vence wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm looking to install Communicator 4.5 today.  I installed the two packages
> but don't see where or how to run them.  What do I need to type at the
> command prompt?  What do I still need to install?
> TIA -- Greg.

Hi Greg,
You didn't mention WHICH two packages you installed.  There are more than
two with the word 'netscape' in them.

This worked for me:
# apt-get install communicator-smotif-45

If that doesn't work you'll need to add lines to your
/etc/apt/sources.list so apt can find the packages if needs be.

Don't forget that netscape 4.7 was released a while ago so perhaps 4.5
isn't the version you want to be installing.

To run it, just type 'netscape' at the command prompt while in X.


   |     oOOooO           /  
 --|    oOobodoO        /   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 --|     ooOoOo       /    
   |       II       /     The wise man tells you where you have fallen
   |       II     /      and where you may fall - Invaluable secrets.

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