*- On 10 Oct, Micha Feigin wrote about "explorer under linux?"
> I was wondering if there is a version of internet explorer (microsoft)
> that works under linux.
> I am working on html pages, and I need to see how they will look also on
> explorer and not only on netscape (regretebly some people still use
> microsoft ;^) )

You could use vmware to run windows under.  See http://www.vmware.com
for more info. It is an amazing piece of commercial software.  I use it
to run my existing win95 installation that I used to dual boot to. 

Brian Servis
Mechanical Engineering              |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University                   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   |  because by that time you will be a
http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis   |  mile away and have their shoes.

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