I have Netscape Communicator 4.7 and RealPlayer (Beta)
installed on my potato system.

I went to this page on Broadcast.com, to access a local radio


They have a button for a RealPlayer broadcast.  I hit the button,
at which point Netscape asked me to save a document called
makeram.asp.  I saved it, and it had these contents:


The first URL is a Visa ad, and the second one is the broadcast I
want.  I can use RealPlayer's "Open Presentation..." command and
enter the pnm://whateverblahblahblah, and it plays the thing.

But, why doesn't Netscape just do the right thing?  With some
experimentation, it appears that when I click the button on the
web page, Netscape eventually gets something of the form
"http://somehost/makeram.asp?something";.  Rather than passing the
"makeram.asp?something" back to the server, Netscape wants to
save it, thinking it to be an unhandled file type.

Anyone have any ideas about how I can fix this?

A somewhat related question: many of the things on Broadcast.com
are available only in Windows Media Player formats.  Is there a
way to play these under Linux?

- Kris

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