How long before debian becomes easier to install.  I played with it for a year.
Successful in many aspects but eventually I quit as I don't have enough 
programming knowledge to get it to run as well as I want it too.  I have an 
i740 agp video card so I had to update to the driver.(the rest of the computer 
consists of  an abit 440bx board 128meg sdram essolo sound card celeron 300 
chip which has always run at 450 8.4 gig for windows and a 6.4 for linux 
+diamond 36x cdrom).  No problems but then to get this and that to work I had 
change my x system from whatever was in deb 2.1 to whatever was in potato and 
so on. I tried to use gnome but it kept changing to often add one bit and it 
broke.  So I used kde.  Eventually when it broke with an x upgrade or glib2 
whatever upgrade I quit. My sound card was the same.  I had to fuck around for 
ages to get it to run.  This I know is a problem for everyone moving over from 
windows to linux if not a programmer but it just got too hard for too long.  So 
eventually though I didn't want too I installed Redhat 6.0.  When I can get 
hold of 
a copy I will probably go to Mandrake 6.1.  I wanted and still want to be a 
user but the installation will have to get easier and I need the installation 
lilo to see both drives and allow me to boot either easily. -I bought the 6.4 
drive for 
linux.  I probably appear like an absolute lame.  So be it but I don't think I 
am.  As 
soon as I installed debian I compiled a 2.1 kernel then a 2.2 etcetra.  Could 
make the rest of the programming team (the world if you like) aware of my 
concern that some of us newbies try real hard with debian before giving it away 
because it is just too hard.  However I am still on the debian user mailing 
list, still 
hoping it will get easier and I can go back to debian.  BTW the guys and gals 
the debian team are overall doing a great job and I hope they don't quit.  When 
installation gets easier I 'll be back.  BTW your newsletter remains great.  
Hopefully you will use this note to spur the team on.

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