On Thu, Oct 14, 1999 at 08:13:01PM -0400, paul wrote:
>       I've been asked to install Debian on a server that resides several
> thousand miles from where I am (I am in Philadelphia, the server is in
> Korea).  Is it possible for me to replace the current RH installation with
> Debian from my present location?  Where are docs pertaining to this?

Alas, there are none.  The one time I had to do something similar, I ended
up having them ups me the hard drive, I did the install, and then upsed it
back.  They'd gotten the system into a completely wedged state though, and
trying to do it remotely wasn't an option.

> The owner of the machine (call him john) wants to avoid the reboot, and
> does not know (or trust) anyone at the remote location.  I BELIEVE I could
> do this by installing and configuring a (minimal) base system complete
> with his root password here, and then gzipping it, telnet to the remote
> host as root, chroot  to a ramdisk, reformat /dev/hda, install the gzipped
> and ready base system (configured for remote root access and RARP), start 
> a script that will reboot the machine after I have logged off, then
> john can telnet to his server, log in as root, change root's password and 
> run dselect to install the rest of his system.

All this really depends on their disk partitioning situation.  If they have
enough free space on /home, you could move all the /home/whatever directories
into /home/saved and then untar a working minimal system into it.  I'd do a
quick make bzDisk though so you can reboot off a floppy if you run into
any >1024 cylinder problems and still get into the debianized partition.

Once you're running off the debianized /home, you can then nuke the old /
and rerun lilo again and be ready to go.

>       John does not think this will work he should know, he's had 20+
> years working with Unix and Ive only two years on Linux. But he has not
> suggested any other method.

If you do manage to get it switched, it'd be nice if you wrote up exactly how
you did it.

CREOL System Administrator

Social graces are the packet headers of everyday life.

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