On Fri, 15 Oct, 1999 à 11:39:23PM -0600, jh wrote:
> I am resubmitting my question with a little more clarity. Sorry for the
> redundancy.
> I got Debian installed. I currently do not have my cdrom mounted. I
> could not find any way to mount it during the installation. I also do not
> have a workable modem for this computer so I did not do a ppp connection,
> before I installed. The driver for it was mcdex or something like that.
Try this as root :

# modprobe mcd
# mount /dev/mcd /cdrom -t iso9660 -o ro

If that doesn't work, post here the error messages you got. You should know
the I/O and IRQ used by your interface (defaults are 0x300, irq 11), if you
do not remember hve a look at the interface, these parameters are setted by
jumpers and switch on it.

 ( >-   Laurent PICOULEAU                                      -< )
 /~\       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                  /~\
|  \)    Linux : mettez un pingouin dans votre ordinateur !    (/  |
 \_|_    Seuls ceux qui ne l'utilisent pas en disent du mal.   _|_/

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