ive had similar probs like that, usually for me it ended up being a bad
rescue disk, and/or lilo got curropted somehow (reinstalling lilo fixed it
for me). some kernels used to crash for me at that point(2.1.xx), so
reinstalling the kernel may help too.(or in my case with the crashes
downgrading kernels)


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On Mon, 18 Oct 1999, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:

>       Hi all,
>       I have a Debian machine that the monitor stopped to work and my friend
> tried to change the video card also and now it isnt booting. The boot stop at
> the line 
>       ... Ok, now booting the kernel. This is with kernel 2.2.12 and with a
> rescue floppy with 2.0.36.
>       What I can do?
>       Thanks,         Paulo Henrique
>       PS: CC the answer for me.
> -- 
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